By Madzison - 06/02/2012 10:08 - Australia

Today, I had to have a serious talk with my boyfriend about his Miley Cyrus obsession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 003
You deserved it 4 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Quit being so possessive! Share him with Miley, so he can have the best of both worlds!


enonymous 8

Dude needs to hop on the Ryan Gosling bandwagon.... The Notebook... Enough said

Doesn't beat my obsession with Rebecca Black.

I have an obsession with Slenea Gomez. Nobody can best her!

This FML would have been so much funnier if he was like 23 or something.

CockAsian 14

your boyfriend does not need a "serious talk" , he needs a therapist.

n_epic_fail 14

59- I have an obsession with two door cinema club :S

biglittlehead 12

There both over rated little girls with no talent. I don't see the difference.

brunomars09 3

#2 I was going to say that :'c

quite_bored 9

85, you don't see the difference between Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber OR there and they're.

I think Justin bieder is Miley Cyrus he just puts a wig on, but Hannah Montana she is just her own superstar

perdix 29

Quit being so possessive! Share him with Miley, so he can have the best of both worlds!

He just wants the best of both worlds Op. :)

See 131... Geez guys, worse things happen in the world then a double comment.. He could've misspelt something!

fucking_dev 2
ElainaCutsYou 0

I know a 50 year old man that is obsessed with her.

SugarCrazy 14
iAmScrubs 19

I know a 23 year old anaconda that is obsessed with her.

25. Why you so angry. Obviously it's fun to stir shit up. But you let them initiate it. Is it because you have hairy legs?

ElainaCutsYou 0

Do u guys think I was talking about me? Cause I'm a girl.. And I'm not anywhere near 50..

Give him a Metallica cd. That'll help him.

The_Troller 14

Let's introduce him to better music a little bit slower, we don't want to overload and kill him.

EvilCupcake8361 9

If Metallica can't cure a Miley obsession, we'll need a heavy dose of System of a Down.

Spade606 6

Miley cyrus gives him more boners than you ever will

surfnshred 2

What is wrong with that? She is hot. It's like any girl obsessed with Justin Bieber

iDaniel525 8
SaMmIMonster96 6

Ewwh Justin Bieber is awful!! I don't have a clue what was going through Selina's head.. Smh

That sounded like you admitting Justin bieber is hot. Which is true... He is. Kidruahl4life

KiddNYC1O 20

Okay, he's not ugly, he just looks like a girl...

zander4310 5
iAmScrubs 19

Just tell your boyfriend to picture Billy Ray running down the beach with his mullet waving in the wind if he ever fantasizes about her.

11, that could break his heart, his achy breaky heart!

chubby_choco 17

XD Mullets would be enough to turn me off anyway, let alone her freaking dad.

Why would you have to have any sort of talk with him about that? If he's dangerously obsessed with her, yes. But if it's just her music, then so what?

jadaDbailey 1

Her herself is amazing . RESPECT HER