By Kira - 24/04/2015 17:09 - Canada - Halifax

Today, I was spending some time alone out in the countryside, when I glanced at my boot. I saw a snake, screamed, ran like hell for my car, tripped over my own feet, and smashed my kneecaps. Upon further inspection, I realized the "snake" was my loose shoelace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 915
You deserved it 13 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So there was not, in fact, a snake in your boot?

How messed up do shoelaces have to be to look like a snake?


So there was not, in fact, a snake in your boot?

How messed up do shoelaces have to be to look like a snake?

Some baby snakes are often affectionately called a "shoelace with a mouth" by their owners and other snake lovers

My Docs' laces are round and the weave of the fiber could look similar to scales. Hopefully for OP, their laces were similar. Or at least not the ribbon kind. Also shoelace with a mouth is just the best thing ever

"There's a snake in my boot!" No Woody, there isn't.

I can understand the unreasonable fear of snakes, but a shoe lace??? That'd have to be one skinny snake..

That would be a really thin tiny snake. How Terrifying!

We always see what we expect to see, one way or the other.

wickedhyype 17

Well, at least you got away? Kinda of....