By Anonymous - 02/05/2016 01:07 - United States - Crown Point

Today, my mom called me in a panic because someone had hacked my phone and was sending her evil faces. They were emojis I'd accidentally butt-dialed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 778
You deserved it 1 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Send her some of those angel baby faces and she might relax thinking the hacker has been redeemed

Older people and technology are hilarious. (obviously some older people are super awesome with tech don't get me wrong).


Send her some of those angel baby faces and she might relax thinking the hacker has been redeemed

crazy_bananas 31

You should continue screwing with her and start sending the fire emojis.

Older people and technology are hilarious. (obviously some older people are super awesome with tech don't get me wrong).

Continue the fun and send her the cross- eyed emoji...

Considering some of the butt-dial stories you hear in real life (on this website too), consider yourself lucky that's all that was sent!

Same op, my mom would think the same.

I'm no psychologist, but it sounds like your mom may have a bit of anxiety.

So she called the phone that was "hacked"?

yes, Idk how but it happens, I've called multiple people (including 911 (well we think it dialed 999 from the emergency screen thing and assumed it was 911 that was trying to be called)) while at work even though I have a lock on it and always turn the screen off before putting it in my pocket