By Kenton - 15/06/2019 00:14

Today, my older brother called me in the middle of the night to describe to me, in painstaking elaborate detail, the Yamaha commercial he'd just watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 592
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was it the commercial with the Blue and White bike with yellow stripes? There was a single guy, in black leather pants, a black leather jacket, and there was a single yellow stipe on the right side of his mirrored black helmet. He had the face mask down, and was already straddling the bike, and he had an apparent 2-inch heel on his black riding boots. I was surprised because they looked more western than bike. Was there a disclaimer stating the filming was being down on a closed-circuit track with a professional rider? Right before the tempo of the music picked up and the rider gunned the motor before taking off down the track with the slogan "Revs Your Heart" being said by an unseen announcer, before the commercial fades to the next advertisement?


Was it the commercial with the Blue and White bike with yellow stripes? There was a single guy, in black leather pants, a black leather jacket, and there was a single yellow stipe on the right side of his mirrored black helmet. He had the face mask down, and was already straddling the bike, and he had an apparent 2-inch heel on his black riding boots. I was surprised because they looked more western than bike. Was there a disclaimer stating the filming was being down on a closed-circuit track with a professional rider? Right before the tempo of the music picked up and the rider gunned the motor before taking off down the track with the slogan "Revs Your Heart" being said by an unseen announcer, before the commercial fades to the next advertisement?

StagGT 13

Did it have Keanu Reeves in it? Dude is everywhere right now.