By I hate retail - 17/10/2016 22:12 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I got yelled at by a customer for refusing to give a found credit card to a woman it didn't belong to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 062
You deserved it 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How DARE you save that credit card for the person it belongs to rather than give it to some random person! For shame!

bubblemania 16

But see this is what happens when you do the right thing. You totally should've given her the card it's so horrible you didn't


How DARE you save that credit card for the person it belongs to rather than give it to some random person! For shame!

****'s sake, OP. Sorry, that word on its own looked lonely.

You two could have gone out and had a hell of good time!

Why is Thelma and Louise your answer to everything?

I don't find being arrested for identity theft a "hell of a good time"

Taco The Dank 27

I would rather not go to jail, thank you.

From the makers of Twitch Plays Pokémon, it's Twitch Plays Customers! After berating you about utter nonsense, the poor thing spent 10 minutes standing next to the automatic doors, sliding slightly to the right.

From the makers of Twitch Plays Customers, it's Twitch Makes Jokes! kappa

cootiequeen4444 11

@18 regardles of whether or not this comment you responded to is a hit or a miss, this is at least (!) your third 'you try too hard comment'.... why are you like this? I don't see the point in saying crap like that. Are you really so bitter irl? Because judging by your jerkish comments so far, I imagine a sack of potatoes would be more fun to hang out with than you. Unless it was idk International 'hate yourself' day and I wanted to participate. I've always enjoyed the cheap, petty insults. You do seem to them so well too. The lack of creativity and wit is something to be admired. Bravo! [said no one ever] (sorry if this came out super mean but I'm severely intolerant of BS. Probably will lead me to my doom one day. I can see it now - "I was just standing in this corner unseen when you shot that couple dead whilst shouting 'love is death in disguise' How dare you end those lives so young! Scumbag! This is so tragic! And this is just you being butt hurt over being dumped isn't it?")

22 - I guess you could say 18 is... *puts on sunglasses* trying too hard.

bubblemania 16

But see this is what happens when you do the right thing. You totally should've given her the card it's so horrible you didn't

You should have given it to her and called the credit card company. Maybe they'd deploy a SWAT team to your store.

To your credit you saved yourself from some serious charges.

Shame on you for doing the right thing! Why would you even think about giving it back to the rightful owner? Man, good people these days!

Should have given it to her and the reported to the police that someone was using a stolen credit card.

she is probably mad you stole her golden opportunity, she probably thought she found a winning lottery ticket, some people are just looking for opportunities to benefit off of others misfortune :/