By stupidtoothpick2 - 16/08/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I spent hours trying to get a piece of food out of my two front teeth. I didn't have anything I could use, until I went out to dinner and got a toothpick. I finally got the food out of teeth. The toothpick broke. Now the tip of the toothpick is stuck in my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 263
You deserved it 8 488

Same thing different taste


irishdancer 0

I know right??? Seriously though, use tweezers.

Today, I spent hours trying to get a piece of food out of my two front teeth. I didn't have anything I could use, until I went out to dinner and got a toothpick. I finally got the food out of teeth. The toothpick broke. Now the tip of the toothpick is stuck in my teeth. MLIA

This should be a MLIA. Go to

RaBe2009 0

You just sound like a dumbass. how about brush your teeth or floss...

uhm why not just brush your teeth you grimey bitch?

ISellHerbs 0

Yeah I heard about that new stuff called dental floss. I heard it was pretty good you should try it.

FapFapFapFap 0

TWO WORD POSTS IN ALL CAPS WITH NO ACTUAL MESSAGE WILL MAKE ME COOL? I wish I had known about that years ago, *that's* Why people always yell at me on the internet.

HurpMcDerpington 0

Your name is FapFapFapFap. You have no room to rage.

you mean you didn't floss? in the hours you spent trying to get the food out, you didn't think of flossing? wow!!!!!

Finding floss is easier than going all the way out to dinner to get a toothpick.

It feels really bad when you get things between your teeth (it's like stones in your shoes- they might be the size of a grain of sand but they feel enormous), but not exactly a '**** my life' moment.

Glam_fml 0

"I didn't have anything to use." The OP obviously didn't have floss. Learn some reading comprehension.

They also spent hours trying to get it out. Go to drugstore. Buy floss. Use daily. Not rocket science.

get another toothpick but be more gentle with it so you don't snap it.