By Rrae - 25/02/2019 02:00

Today, I'm at the ER for my first ever UTI and potential other "down there" issues. Yesterday I got married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 244
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

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Maybe it's just me, but I feel like going to the ER for a UTI is a little extreme. I feel like that and your other potential issues could have been taken care of at a standard gyno appointment. I'm also kinda curious as to what else you think is going on down there. If it's a possible STD, then that sucks because it could mean your new partner might have cheated on you, but anything else should be pretty easily taken care of by your OBGYN.

Aren’t UTIs often called the Honeymooner’s Disease?


Aren’t UTIs often called the Honeymooner’s Disease?

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like going to the ER for a UTI is a little extreme. I feel like that and your other potential issues could have been taken care of at a standard gyno appointment. I'm also kinda curious as to what else you think is going on down there. If it's a possible STD, then that sucks because it could mean your new partner might have cheated on you, but anything else should be pretty easily taken care of by your OBGYN.

ari330 21

going to the emergency room is easier and you don't need an appointment. You're basically in and out in 15 to 20 minutes and get your medication. At least for me

Sometimes, if you’ve never had one and you get other symptoms beyond burning, it is scary and painful. Not everyone burns. I had to go to the er for one. Never showed symptoms. Then I couldn’t walk from weakness. The infection was extreme at that point and I’m on meds that lower my immune system. Also, if she’s away for a honeymoon, maybe she didn’t want to be miserable the entire time.

UTI is an infection. Infection to the organs can kill you especially if they spred. They can cause very bad vomiting where you are vomiting every 5 minutes and can cause your body excessive pain. It's not just a case of peeing with discomfort.

I went to the ER for a UTI. I didn't have any of the typical symptoms besides going pee a little more often than I normally do. The triage phone nurse told my mom to take me in because the pain in my side resembled appendicitis. Really it was just a kidney infection.

Other potential issues... like a dick? Issues don't usually appear the very next day.

Nix188 13

if you're a guy, just know this; wrap it up when youre going down the dirt road. epididymis is a painful thing. this is why you're supposed to check for testicular swelling/lumps once a month. if you're a woman, sorry for the description. lmao, FYL

Mrs. Johns 2

the same thing happened to me, what a small world. LOL

Your husband needs to learn to wash his dick.

Possibly Urinary tract infection; see doctors for meds and pee after all sexual contact. (Always pee after all sexual contact anyways just in case. ) Possibly allergic reaction; try polyurethane condoms in case of latex allergy. Try no lube condoms in case of lube allergy. Possibly UTI; drink unsweetened cranberry juice until doctor is available and can give you antibiotics. Possibly Sexually Transmitted Infection; see doctor and maybe cry and divorce husband.

fde2blknimout 18

Do you plan on a week of pissing on each other?

Get yourself taken care of right away, you'll be fine! It takes some adjustment sometimes. Clean yourself after sex. Just a wet wash cloth is fine.

Get yourself taken care of right away and you'll be fine! Clean yourself after sex. Just a wet wash cloth is fine. It takes some adjustment.