By Nakdnathan - 16/09/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I got written up for not making a drink right. While getting yelled at by my boss, my co-worker made the drink the same exact way I made it. I pointed it out. My boss responded with, "He is allowed to because I like him, I don't like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 061
You deserved it 3 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pickwick716 0

You made a fine drink and imma let you finish, but your colleague made one of the greatest drinks of all time!


sounds like u work at benito's brick oven???

Society has made it's rage with Bullying... Why hasn't it reached Mobbing also?! There's an awful lot of Mobbing stories in here...

plexico WTF was that?! I think you got the wrong FML...

Spazgirl26 0

Man that sucks but i no where your coming from. I work at Sheetz and i go through the same thing with the Sheetz Bro. Coffee.... and my manager did that to me too... I feel for yea.

captainmaharet 1

Report it to corporate. Chances are he's played favorites before.

aaarrr 0

welcome to working in a restaurant

wow, this long without talking and by chance THIS is the one place I happen to run across my cousin lol, greatness

1ParanoidAndroid 7

This probably won't make you feel any better, but know that Karma will repay him. I agree that you should find another job if you can. For those of you that say this person deserves it because they aren't likable, did you ever consider that the boss is an ass and even if this person isn't likable that the boss SHOULD NOT say so. It's unprofessional and inappropriate and just plain mean.