Venmo me

By Anonymous - 03/09/2020 14:01

Today, my mother-in-law called to find out how the first week of school went for the kids. She spent most of the call complaining about her husband. I'd like to send her a bill for her trying to use me as a therapist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 206
You deserved it 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why I haven't answered a phonecall since 2011

"The little one just threw up, gotta go, bye!" Problem solved!


That's why I haven't answered a phonecall since 2011

"The little one just threw up, gotta go, bye!" Problem solved!

genuinegoodguy 9

You did the right thing to listen and try to help. I’m sure she’s grateful.

Sounds like she needed a friend to talk to.

randybryant799 20

Wow. You don't sound very nice. Obviously she needed someone to talk to. It doesn't hurt you to listen.