By mr.palendrome - 06/03/2009 02:27 - United States

Today, I was teasing my little brother. Later that night, I went to the bathroom to wash up. While I'm brushing my teeth, my little brother slips a photo under the door that shows him scrubbing my toothbrush against his nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 435
You deserved it 28 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tomorrowbroadway 0
warmvanillasugar 0

lol how old is this little brother?!


warmvanillasugar 0

lol how old is this little brother?!

tomorrowbroadway 0
yikesO_O 0

That's probably what you get. Karma sucks.

how the **** is that karma?? show the picture to ur parents.

nastenka_fml 0

He was teasing the brother? So the brother got him back...

lol prolly like 15 that's when boys get disgusting haha ydi op

LD_fml 0

your little brother is clever!

King_of_Kings_2 0

oh shit! your little brother is a genius! GENIUS!!

jackaaa 0

I like your little brother.

Give your brother a loofa for his next birthday! ;-)