By koletatlow19 - 05/03/2010 05:23 - Canada

Today, my boss fired me because I "didn't get the right kind of coffee beans." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 065
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

captainkevineff 0

well if you worked at starbucks that could be a problem

well, if your job was to bring him coffee, he cannot be blamed


Horney4her69 0

was that your job? if so, you deserve it 

maybe the op was ordering several shipment crates of the stuff worth thousands of dollars?

nates0210 0

or maybe op was just an assistant and had to get his boss coffee?.

bihero 0
iCrazie 0

well thats your own damn fault OP shoulda got the right coffe beans lmao

mn_mpls 0

that's probly for the best, u need to get a new job that is not managed by a f***** diva

Op probably works at Starbucks if so it is a complete YDI.

Icarus_II 0

OP shoulda kicked the boss in the nuts and yelled "NOW I GOT THE RIGHT BEANS!!!" Your already fired, right?

so the sex wasn't good enough any more? haha that is no fun boss good luck finding another job hopefully u won't have douche for boss

ydi for getting the wrong coffee beans

well you work at starbucks so if your dumb enough to mess up beans YDI

next time get the man his beans! jeez. foolish mistake you oafish imbicile. just kiddiing, that sucks. stupid reason to get fired. next when you get the chance, you should order like 50 boxes of the coffe beans and have them delivered to his office. he will alwayss have his beans thenn! (:

pandorasnymph 0

that really sux.can t u sue him?

I realise I frequently ask this question whenever someone posts a comment about suing but I can't help myself. Sue for what? If it is OP's job and she didn't do it properly, her boss can fire her. It sucks but that's why it's called work and not fun. The boss probably made sure to cite a valid reason before terminating employment.

Why does it have to be a her. The post never identified gender.

And in some places they can legally fire you for ANY reason!! Hence they don't need a reason... And there are all very different kind of coffee beans and tea leaves!! So OP ya need to get together cause reallly you sound lost!!!

#35, it doesn't have to be a her. It has to be a "him" or a "her" and I was posting from my ipod in haste and didn't feel like doing this thing: him/her, he/she, etc. I assumed female because I am a female and I work for a female.

Yeah, if her job involves getting coffee beans, she's likely on "at will employment" which basically just means they can fire you without reason whenever they want. Company uses it for employees lower down the organisations structure who are easily replaced. Anyway, regardless, she didn't get the right kind of coffee beans, that can be a major thing and if it's her job then she deserves to lose it. I mean heavy in caffeine, or decaf, the different flavours, there are a lot of variations.

jasonsaied 1

imaginaryfoe I'm pretty sure the op's job is in an office and he had to go get coffee for his boss

Erm, thank you, jason. Did I don't express any confusion about where OP worked? I'm not sure what you're responding to.

she could sue him for wrongful termination of her job. any two-bit low grade lawyer could win a case like that. idiot

Not if the company had it in writing that they could fire her without a reason. Idiot

well, if your job was to bring him coffee, he cannot be blamed

captainkevineff 0

well if you worked at starbucks that could be a problem

Paradoodle 5

umm did you work at a coffee shop?

I guess that depends on your occupation. Are you a barista?

omg sue him like wat the **** is up with bosses fireing people for a stupid reason!!!???

youthink_fml 0

You can't sue someone for firing you unless it was because of discrimination of age/race etc. Sue happy people suck.

if you **** up your job, you can lose your job. that's what's up with it.

toast2218 0

I think you can't do that go to the union if you are in one but that's just not right

You deserve it if you brought him the coffee beans.

ElMetalero 0

right. why didn't u just do what ur told? u totally complete 110% deserve it

iamchuck 0

You would have been fired for something else if you had brought right coffee beans. Your boss had already decide to fire you and was just looking for any little flub to justify it.

RussianWolf 0

Get the right coffee beans. /:

iamchuck 0

Yeah, that's why i replied ( twice ) with *the.