Drunken lout

By whippingpost - 08/03/2020 04:56

Today, I learned a co-worker called and awoke my boss at 3 a.m. to complain that I'd been "rude" to him. All I'd done was make a disapproving face because he'd been drinking and he was slobbering drunk, and wanted to charge his purchase to his employee account, a definite no-no when not on the clock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 554
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Sawyer 11

We had an employee try to do this last summer during his first week on the job. let's just say he didn't last much longer after that.


Michael Sawyer 11

We had an employee try to do this last summer during his first week on the job. let's just say he didn't last much longer after that.