By Tired - 17/08/2016 17:51

Today, I got in trouble with my boss for doing what she wanted me to do. I guess she didn't think I would do it, so she did it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 304
You deserved it 1 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But if she ended up doing it herself, that meant it wasn't yet done right? So you didn't end up doing what she wanted you to do...? Right? This fml is very confusing

Why would she tell you to do something if she's just going to do it herself?


Why would she tell you to do something if she's just going to do it herself?

I can think of a few micro-managing, controlling bosses I've had that aren't happy until they've done it themselves or at least chipped in on the task (and usually stuffed it up in the process). Perhaps this is one of those bosses.

But if she ended up doing it herself, that meant it wasn't yet done right? So you didn't end up doing what she wanted you to do...? Right? This fml is very confusing

My brain hurts now figuring this out lol

She either re-did it, OR she did the same thing (like printing things off, etc.) so they did it twice.

It is freaking confusing lol I thought I was the only one who thought that

The boss may not have explained to OP how they wanted it done. Happens at my job all the time

Depending on what the task was, it's very possible to replicate someone's work without realizing it until later.

I understood it till I read #3's comment. Now I'm confused.

I'm reading this as you did what your boss wanted & she redid it because she didn't expect it to get done.

SauceySarah 30

This is really vague I need you to elaborate. What did she want you to do?

I understand why she didn't want to do it now.