By Nakdnathan - 16/09/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I got written up for not making a drink right. While getting yelled at by my boss, my co-worker made the drink the same exact way I made it. I pointed it out. My boss responded with, "He is allowed to because I like him, I don't like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 061
You deserved it 3 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pickwick716 0

You made a fine drink and imma let you finish, but your colleague made one of the greatest drinks of all time!


umm you realize that is violating a law or something of some sort i'm not sure but you can get your boss fired or less wage if you figure out what he is violating

ydi; because your boss doesn't like you, neither do I.

thefury 0

hmm that's f ed up and that's what a board or higher management complaint is for unless he's the top.

Guitarist45 0

ok im starting to think that some of tgese fmls are fake...

thats what we say in legalese ill-eagle!!!!

banna2286 0

you just have to accept that people will not like u get over it