By gangstalicious - 08/05/2009 21:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02
By light_talker - 14/01/2010 19:04 - United States
By Clueless - 14/05/2011 23:35 - United States
Expensive hobby
By astalkerindeed - 16/05/2013 04:31 - United States - Pasadena
By Text - 25/04/2011 16:27 - United States
By DeadBroke - 07/01/2010 05:01 - United States
By Loho - 25/03/2009 02:46 - Canada
By Jer - 11/10/2009 00:30 - United States
By Activesleeper - 24/09/2017 11:59 - Australia - Flinders
By Katherine - 13/02/2012 21:23 - United States
Top comments
Holy crap, nobody's replied to the first comment for no reason yet! Oh wait--
welcome to modern teenage years and married life asshole
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway@299 I'm 15 too. Heres a few thoughts, 1.) learn to spell. 2.) cursing every other word doesnt make you cool, and it certainly doesnt give you that mature-beyond-my-age impression you were going for. 3.) Nobody wants to hear about your dumb religious beliefs. Nothings going to happen if someone has sex before their married. as long as he has safe sex he's fine 4.) Your advocating for invasion of privacy just makes you seem like that asshole snitch that nobody likes, who believes everything their parents tell them and take on all their values without questioning anything. So, somehow i doubt that your a better parent than half the parents out there. And i doubt you'll ever be, because chances are your never getting laid.
Love... everything you're saying is so correct but it's not okay to tell him to learn how to spell and use "your" in the wrong place.
It's ' you're ' just by the way.
302is my hero
and your suprised why? I mean for the most part every guy my age (15) who's slightly hot has sex basically every other day, mostly with their gf or sometimes just a random hookup :p but like it's not a big deal honestly, if you don't find sex a big deal then go have sex, if it's special to you, wait. I'm not a whole wait till marriage person but there's one person in particular that I'm waiting for, and if it's a week from now or 3 years later i'm fine with that, I want the first to be with the right guy and well the rest, anything goes for me :p
Then learn to talk like you're 15 years old!
abstinence is an excuse for ugly people to be virgins
it's not invasion of privacy if the parent is paying for the bill, and you aren't an amazing speller. don't judge.
hahaha ur a joke
Let's be clear on something man, I'm a teenager, and if I knew my parents were reading my messages I would be well beyond pissed off. As a human being that 15 year old kid has every right to make a decision for himself. Should I HAVE to wait fir marriage? No, it's a PERSONAL decision, not one YOU make for me. I have the legal and moral right to do what I want, as long as it is within the bounds of the law. I ask the question who are you to impose your beliefs on me? I'm a born and raised Christian and am proud of it. Does that give me the right to force my beliefs on others? No; it does not. And lastly It's called spell check dude, look into it. My 15 year old brother spells better than you.
(I know this is really late but i needed to say it) @299 religion is like a penis, its fine to have one , its fine to be proud of it but please dont go swinging it around in public and PLEASE dont stuff it down kids throats...
I love all the bitchy teens on here trying to defend the kid. If he went over the limit by a thousand messages, that's possibly over a hundred extra dollars on the bill. He gave up the right to have those messages private when he used them to go over the limit and waste his family's money.
Your the first teen boy that I've seen who does'nt believe in sex before marrige, wow are u sure your human? NO OFFENCE!!! I'm 14 year old girl and all I meet are horney teen assholes! :)
You and your wife should probably get on that, then.
high school years are the best to do it lol and u guys shouldnt do it too often to avoid more fail children XP
But... you're "gangstalicious"!
1, you're simply irresponsible. she has a right to know, it's her money, her son, and her family.
But it's the son's life. His private text messages. It's like reading a letter the son gets in the mail.
plus it's the dad who's reading them, not "she"
#7, did you just call the OP God? Also, how the HELL does one go over their text message plan limit by a thousand texts?
I went over once by 3000
my cousin went over 14,000!
It's really easy to go over the limit, especially if you're a teenager who likes to sext. OP, invest in an unlimited texting plan.
LOL #6 must have assumed it was a lesbian couple parenting the horny 15 year old
yeah, i know hey
Haha don't read his messages if u don't wanna know. Worry more about why you and your wife aren't having sex than why your son is texting so much

Wow, way to be a nosy parent
@299 I'm 15 too. Heres a few thoughts, 1.) learn to spell. 2.) cursing every other word doesnt make you cool, and it certainly doesnt give you that mature-beyond-my-age impression you were going for. 3.) Nobody wants to hear about your dumb religious beliefs. Nothings going to happen if someone has sex before their married. as long as he has safe sex he's fine 4.) Your advocating for invasion of privacy just makes you seem like that asshole snitch that nobody likes, who believes everything their parents tell them and take on all their values without questioning anything. So, somehow i doubt that your a better parent than half the parents out there. And i doubt you'll ever be, because chances are your never getting laid.