By wet dreams - 12/02/2016 17:46 - United States - Cartersville

Today, I came to the realization that I dream more about my vibrator than I do about my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 985
You deserved it 4 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just mix them together, have your boyfriend use some toys then you can dream about both. Tada, problem solved.

Shows which of the two is more pleasing


Just mix them together, have your boyfriend use some toys then you can dream about both. Tada, problem solved.

Shows which of the two is more pleasing

Maybe if OP actually talked to her boyfriend about what she wants…

Maybe, but maybe her boyfriend is not open to listening or capable of following through in this regard.

I'm glad you have your priorties sorted OP

Nice to know where you get your buzz from!

If it's an issue with you being unsatisfied with your boyfriend's skill in bed, then you should talk to him. If you fake it, then he'll never get better, and if he gets mad when you bring it up then he has some maturing to do. If it's because of a lack on intimacy in your relationship in general, again, conversation is key. You can't expect anything to improve if you don't say you find it lacking. Then again, if you do or have done all of that and things haven't improved, then I think it's time think about moving on. That's assuming your dreams are because you're not satisfied... If that's not the case then by all means ignore all of that.

aeryn97 17

vibrators can make sex/intimacy less enjoyable because of over stimulation. don't get me wrong, they're great toys to have but using them too much can make it harder to achieve a climax without them. you need to think on why you don't have the sexual excitement with your boyfriend. is it the boring same old stuff? spice it up! is it he doesn't brush his teeth? make a suggestion. is it you? find out why you're more aroused with a vibrator.

Your boyfriend may need to improve his skills. Or you could at least teach him more of what you like