By gangstalicious - 08/05/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I got the cell phone bill for my family and saw that my son had gone over his limit by around 1,000 messages. Curious to see what he was talking about that much, I read the messages. Apparently, my 15 year old son is having it off more than me and my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 293
You deserved it 13 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Wow, way to be a nosy parent

@299 I'm 15 too. Heres a few thoughts, 1.) learn to spell. 2.) cursing every other word doesnt make you cool, and it certainly doesnt give you that mature-beyond-my-age impression you were going for. 3.) Nobody wants to hear about your dumb religious beliefs. Nothings going to happen if someone has sex before their married. as long as he has safe sex he's fine 4.) Your advocating for invasion of privacy just makes you seem like that asshole snitch that nobody likes, who believes everything their parents tell them and take on all their values without questioning anything. So, somehow i doubt that your a better parent than half the parents out there. And i doubt you'll ever be, because chances are your never getting laid.


InigoMontoya 0

Here's what's wrong with parents today: Rather than talking with their children about their behavior, they get on the internet and whine to utter strangers. Engage your children, challenge them, tell them 'no' once in a fracking while. You know what? Tell them 'no' more than once in a while. Tell them 'no' even when it makes all the sense in the world to say 'yes.' Tell them 'no' just because they need to learn their boundaries. Tell them 'no,' and then back it up, follow through, even if it's lost all meaning to you. If anything, it reinstates that you're in charge, that you know right from wrong, that sometimes there is an actual visible and definable line between right and wrong. They want to follow you, you are their role models. There are shades of gray, but there is also high contrast. Be the adult.

I work for verizon and ypu can't read any of the major US cell phone carriers actual messages u can see who it was sent to/from and date/time. To get the details law enforcement would have to request it with a court order. So unless he has some tiny carrier I have never heard of OR maybe outside the US (different FCC like regulations) he wouldn't be able to read the content of the message. Maybe he read the saved ones off the actual phone...hhmmm...

n1125 0

HAHAHHAAH gangstalicious.i think that was funnier than the FML itself


To all those who say he deserves it, it's a more complicated issue. Yes, there should be respect and privacy between parents and children and, perhaps, snooping is not the best way to go about things. However, "sexting" has become a new hot-button issue. Do you realize that schools are cracking down on this sort of behavior? Furthermore, if a minor sends his son nude pictures and it's found out, his son can get in trouble for possession of child pornography; the girl can get in trouble for "dealing" child pornography. This happened at a school I was working at this spring. It's a really big deal.

McCannCanTriple 0

#91 Umm... this site is FOR whinning. Plus you don't know what th OP did or did not do aftewards.

YDI for reading his messages but FYL for being beat by a 15 year old, and that your kid is ******* at 15. haha this just sucks :)

YDI for reading his messages but FYL for being beat by a 15 year old, and that your kid is ******* at 15. haha this just sucks :)

smiley_girl 0

haha i moderated this one, but it said and kinkeyer too... hmm