By Anonymous - 13/03/2016 04:31 - United States - Havertown

Today, my dad had fun embarrassing me as much as possible in my parent-teacher conference by moaning whenever the teacher talked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 491
You deserved it 1 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A dad isn't doing his job correctly if his kid isn't embarrassed at all times when in public together

andrmac 25

It's one thing to be embarrassing but creepy is too far FYL


A dad isn't doing his job correctly if his kid isn't embarrassed at all times when in public together

moocowmilk0 19
im_a_squid 25

That's more like FHL.. That must've been awkward for the teacher.. I would definitely apologize profusely to her and explain the situation.. Then never bring him to another parent-teacher conference.. Good luck with that one OP!

Because my teachers kick my dads ass all the time

andrmac 25

It's one thing to be embarrassing but creepy is too far FYL

He does realize that this is the person who grades you, right?

Tell your teacher he your step father so you don't have his genes

trellz17 19

It may seem lame now but later you'll look back on this and finally see how awesome your dad was.

I, honestly, feel bad for the teacher.

No, the commas do not work. Honestly is an adverb, and you do not separate an adverb with commas. I ran, really, fast. If you move it to the front of the sentence, you can separate it with a comma: Honestly, I feel bad for the teacher. This has been your grammar lesson for the day.