The office, but worse

By officeditz - 04/06/2015 01:59 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, my District Manager was impressed by all the appointments in my upcoming calendar. Bubbling with pride, I blurted out, "Oh, I just love to have all my slots filled!" The awkward silence was only broken by, "That's what she said!" from the next cubicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 600
You deserved it 5 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad to see you enjoy work. Not everyone can be happy with what they do. :)


jimmer23 21

Sounds like your foot wasn't the only thing going in your mouth! But seriously, everyone says embarrassing stuff like that. Just laugh it off.

mmmxr 11

Is this supposed to be a 22 jump street reference?

Glad to see you enjoy work. Not everyone can be happy with what they do. :)

cooltatgar 31

District Manager: *Giggles silently*

This is the best example of speaking before you think. You may be embarrassed, but you should do this more often for the sake of people around you. "That's what she said" needs to come back in full force.

At least there's a sense of humor in your workplace!

At least you enjoy your work, that can't be said for a lot of people ;)

I'm sure you do, you dirty little *****.