By graduate - 06/06/2009 13:17 - United States

Today, I got a computer. When I opened it, I found out that my dad had made himself the administrator. He made it so everything shut off after 11 o'clock, and made it so I couldn't download anything without his password. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 959
You deserved it 7 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just download tons of horse **** on his computer. When he asks why, tell him that for some reason, you couldn't download anything on yours so you used his instead. :D


Just download tons of horse **** on his computer. When he asks why, tell him that for some reason, you couldn't download anything on yours so you used his instead. :D

Well, the username is graduate, so at least 18... An adult more than capable of limiting their own time on the computer.

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stupidmonkey80 0

but if it's his computer that's different it said that it was his/her OWN computer

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Well guessing by the OP's name "graduate" he/she is fairly old, so that really sucks. #4 has a point in that it's his house/his rules, but if you ever move out you need to have him fix that stuff.

FYL because you can't find a way around...


loooloool 13

That is the worst idea ever do you know how long that would take.....

with modern technology a cheap CPU can figure out a standard 8 character password in a few hours. or can use a Library and cover longer password. as well as don't forget just using a boot disc to hard reset the passwords to your own

she_wolf 0

you can do something about that.