By dangyo - 26/01/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my dad learned how to use the parental controls. I now have an 11 o'clock curfew. I am 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 401
You deserved it 7 086

Same thing different taste

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Did you guys read the first line about parental controls? The 11PM curfew is on the computer, not for staying out. (And is kind of ridiculous btw.) Chillax people. ahve it pretty good LOL. SERIOUSLY.i STILL can't go out late at night and im 18, FML

Comments ahve it pretty good LOL. SERIOUSLY.i STILL can't go out late at night and im 18, FML

You have a legitimate complaint, #5, but OP is still a minor and can complain as loud as they want and it won't matter. Minor's have no rights in our society. Bummer.

infantrygirl 0

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ndb703 2

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nadsm 0

well i'm sorry but that's a little messed up that your mother still calls to make sure you're home by eleven.. in your own place...

toyota4life94 6
chaoticnh 0

You little speech is exactly why teenagers rebel and generally don't give a f*ck what their parents say and do they things they want with or without their parents permission. If there was some leeway or compromising there, I would be different.

Well I'm 19, I DO pay rent, and my curfew is ten pm. Plus I'm only allowed to go out a few times a week because I have a ton of chores to do, and I have to be home at 6 every day to feed and walk my mother's dog. So how is that fair?

Ninjasaurus18 9

That's fair. You live with your mom, and so it's only fair that since your 19 to pay, do chores and have a curfew.

OrG 0

I'm 17 and my bedtime is 10:00 FOL

TheElderTROLLZ 15

FOL = **** Our Lives? Or, if you drink like me, **** Our liver?

Lmao, I'm 14 and my curfew is basically just the same day

MCart_fml 0

You'll get the last laugh when you go off to college and over compensate by staying out all night doing debaucherous things because you were too restricted at home. There's something to be said for a little bit of leeway to let a kid learn responsibility before dumping them in the shark tank when they turn 18.

RenoTheRhino 30

MCart, that is so true. I know this kid with really strict parents. He's really polite and quiet at home, but he's a douche bag at school. When a kid can't do anything with their parents around, they release all their frustration and energy later in life.

Kai_fml 0

I happen to have an 11 o'clock curfew and I'm 18, I also rarely get out of work before 9 pm

infantrygirl 0

No, we're saying it because she's still a child, living under her father's roof. I have no sympathy for a 17-year-old brat who thinks she needs to stay out all night. I never stayed out late until I turned 18 (aka, legal adult) and graduated high school.

chaoticnh 0

I hate comments like "still a child", children are 12 and below. There is a coming of age process known as being a teenager. A child doesn't have a 1 year to decide what they are going to do with their lives, a child can't drive, or get a job.

Calm your **** with this "I'M PRETTY MUCH AN ADULT" shit. I was done with that when I was 12. I'm 16 and I understand that a curfew makes a lot of sense. Grow up, bro.

I agree but we don't need to be calling them names like brat. kids don't respond to anger they are more receptive to compassionate criticism

Did you guys read the first line about parental controls? The 11PM curfew is on the computer, not for staying out. (And is kind of ridiculous btw.) Chillax people.

deer_fml 0

I disagree with all the angry comments. If you didn't go out until you were a legal adult, that was your choice. In a lot of places, the nightlife doesn't really get started until later. A lot of my friends go out to dinner at 10 but I can't go because I have an 11 PM curfew too. It sucks. Of course there are worse things, there always are, but it's still frustrating.