By emeraldarcher74 - 19/11/2016 18:34 - United States - Lake Stevens

Today, my mother made me a delicious meal of gravy, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, and cranberries. Overjoyed, I tried to give her a hug. Instead, I accidentally punched her in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 260
You deserved it 1 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fyl? **** your moms life for making a great meal only to get punched.

You got so excited you punched someone? Hmm...I may have to use this excuse in the future lol.


Fyl? **** your moms life for making a great meal only to get punched.

You got so excited you punched someone? Hmm...I may have to use this excuse in the future lol.

I see how much you love your mother.

Howdy, all! Just a bit of backstory: I came to my mother's house to help her cook for a Thanksgiving party we were attending. When she showed me the meal, I immediately tried to throw my arms around her neck in a thankful hug - however, my left hand made contact with her face. I was frantically apologizing, and after a little ice, everything got back to normal. We both enjoyed the meal together, and as I write this, me and her have just finished her signature mushroom gravy dish for the upcoming party. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

I suggest a left hook or an uppercut next time, that way you can be assured she gets KO'ed

Some people are a bit violent with their affection

Stop getting your love advice from Chris Brown!

LevelupKid 8
corky1992 33

Are you related to the girl that punches Joey?