By BX - 17/10/2015 12:09 - Netherlands

Today, I found out the hard way that if you spontaneously begin to lose weight, you may have cancer, not an increased metabolism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 083
You deserved it 1 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mossyoak_kw 28

Oh my gosh that's terrible. I'm so sorry, OP. Stay strong!! Best of luck to you, sweetie!

Damn. Well I hope all goes well OP, best of luck to you and stay strong!


Well that sucks OP, hopefully it's treatable but if not, I guess live your to the fullest.

I'm so sorry to hear that OP. Cancer is truly horrible. But take heart, with modern medical science, cancer is no where near as bad as it used to be. It will be a difficult journey but if you stay strong, you will get through this and beat this thing!

Lol f*** whoever put you deserved it. You are horrible ???

Probably the worst thing to find out right now. Better fight it, we all believe in you.

FusionPlacebo 26

If you know which cancer you've been diagnosed with, keep up to date on the amazing breakthrough in cancer treatments! You're gonna do great, OP. Stay positive!!

tigerzroze 16

My dad was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago, but he received treatment and has now been in remission for almost a year now. They have gotten much at treating cancer in the last few years, and you are much more likely to go into remission. I hope everything goes well for you OP.

Ohmygosh I accidentally clicked ydi. I'm so sorry op. That sucks :( Hope you can treat it and that it was caught in an early stage.

Sending prayers for you and your family op. Good luck. I'm so sorry. Stay strong. You can win this.