By peteto818 - 18/12/2014 17:59 - Bulgaria - Pernik

Today, my boyfriend jokingly said that if I didn't pass my exam, he wouldn't have sex with me for a month. I failed it, and now he thinks I did it on purpose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 967
You deserved it 5 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Of course I didn't fail on purpose babe. Let's go have sex right now." Problem solved..?

Rawrshi 25

When in doubt: strip naked and give ********.


Well he shouldn't be a dick. Don't give him sex!

I don't think that would solve anything for OP.

If anything make the problem worse...

cjwayy 22

Oh totally because sex is a reward system

#31: I don't know why, but right now you're at -11, so I upvoted you. It's pretty obvious you meant your comment sarcastically, and you're totally right. Protip for those playing at home: sex is not currency. Trading sex is a bad precedent for any relationship.

#45 Unless you're breaking up anyway and have something that belongs to the other. Then sex is perfectly acceptable currency.

"Of course I didn't fail on purpose babe. Let's go have sex right now." Problem solved..?

Seems like a whole lot of effort. Normal people in normal relationships shouldn't have to trick their partner into sex. If you do then something is very wrong and unhealthy in the relationship.

Offer an oral exam in exchange. You should be able to pass that with no problem. ;)

RenoTheRhino 30

Hopefully her boyfriend won't be too anal about the exam he gives her, and she can get redemption.

Rawrshi 25

When in doubt: strip naked and give ********.

emile_heskey 11

I wish more girls were like you

#5: I like your advice, and hope many people take it to heart.

Rawrshi 25

Meaning her enjoyment? I very much enjoy giving my partner a ******* and being nude so there is a lot in it for me and I happily would do so whenever he asked. It's possible OP does too. Otherwise, ******* can be used as a term for oral sex for vaginas too. Either way, ******** are super great. Could always just do other things if that's not their thing too. I'm just saying in my case, that's what I'd do. (:

trellz17 19

I dont think anyone would risk failing an exam lol

Well, that's easy to time you're in the mood, make it clear that you want it. Well, it wouldn't be disproven if that time is more than a month from now.