By BX - 17/10/2015 12:09 - Netherlands

Today, I found out the hard way that if you spontaneously begin to lose weight, you may have cancer, not an increased metabolism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 083
You deserved it 1 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mossyoak_kw 28

Oh my gosh that's terrible. I'm so sorry, OP. Stay strong!! Best of luck to you, sweetie!

Damn. Well I hope all goes well OP, best of luck to you and stay strong!


Liza_Thatch 18

I want to know what the hell do those who pressed "you deserve it" are thinking... oh wait they aren't, because they don't have a brain, or a soul... psychos...

Metabolism isn't what you think it is and it doesn't work like that. if you start to lose a lot of weight without any changes to diet or daily activity, get yourself checked out at a doctor!

I hope you beat the cancer and make a full recovery. Best wishes.

saraaa2552 15

How can people say YDI? Keep your head up OP.

Misswildsides 22

Are you not sure you're sorry or..?

Hope you find out the easy way that sugar and wheat makes your cancer worse, instead of feeding your healthy cells.

I'm so sorry, OP. I lost twenty pounds unexpectedly in just a few weeks and cancer was my first thought.