Irony on base level

By Anonymous - 28/09/2021 11:01 - Netherlands - Eindhoven

Today, my boyfriend has been grumpy for days, because his essay on society's fixation with performance, winning awards and getting good grades got a somewhat disappointing grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 970
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course he's grumpy, society thinks he is useless. "They" rejected his views on society and are now rejecting him. You ought to dump him for letting you down, making a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe his parents are like mine? I’m not inherently obsessed with grades, but my parents scream and throw things at me if I get less than 100% on anything...


Of course he's grumpy, society thinks he is useless. "They" rejected his views on society and are now rejecting him. You ought to dump him for letting you down, making a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Good thing he didn’t try to write about irony.

Maybe his parents are like mine? I’m not inherently obsessed with grades, but my parents scream and throw things at me if I get less than 100% on anything...