By I'm screwed - 13/01/2013 01:30 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I found out that my sleep-walking is so bad that I regularly text my friend while I sleep. I have no idea how many times this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 613
You deserved it 3 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vencku 13

I'm curious what these texts are. Nonsense? A love confession? Asking for mommy?

ant1ion 12

Maybe you should lock it or hide it before sleeping


Suaria 38

i've honestly never heard of this happening before. It is very interesting tho. I would suggest someone else hiding it and then giving it back to you in the morning therefore your problem is solved.

Ugh. I've texted in my sleep too... Also I can turn of the alarm on my phone in my sleep so I don't have to get up and do it. Skills right? No.

In what world is this considered an FML? How stupid, you couldn't think of anything better?

pheebs314 17

I once texted a friend while asleep, telling them that if everyone woke up as vegetables I called dibs on being a sweet potato because I was a sweetie. Sleep texts are ridiculous. What are yours, op?

Wow! When I sleepwalk, all I do is go to the kitchen and stand there for like 5 mins and then go back. You have an amazing talent >.

I have the exact same problem OP. My sleep walking is so bad I get up and talk to people in my family, call my friends and have perfectly normal conversations.. you're not alone!

IworkAt711 14

I do things in my sleep all the time. Apparently I had a whole conversation with my mom about what I was planning to do with my friends over the weekend.

I've never been a sleep walker but a few times I've woken up and realised I've sent texts in my sleep, they used to make sense a few years ago when I had physical buttons but now I have a touch screen they get a bit confusing

No idea? How?? Do you also delete your txting history while you're asleep? Now that's talent!