By dragonstooth257 - 25/02/2019 16:00

Today, my child is so super clingy and needy, I have to sit and watch her bounce on the trampoline attentatively or else face hours and hours of whining. She's like the Screamapillar from the Simpsons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 593
You deserved it 1 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parenting is hard. Sometimes you have to face hours of screaming in order to let them know that they can't always have what they want. Giving in everytime is only gonna make the problem worse to handle when you're really ready for it to be over.

samomaha 17

There is a word for what you are doing. It is called "enabling". And it will only make matters worse. Ohhh, SOOOOO much worse.


Parenting is hard. Sometimes you have to face hours of screaming in order to let them know that they can't always have what they want. Giving in everytime is only gonna make the problem worse to handle when you're really ready for it to be over.

Traveling_Book 9

Very well put. Nobody wants to hear their child cry, but they have to learn they can’t have everything they want or when they want it. It’s up to you to set boundaries and rules, and you know be the parent.

Get her into gymnastics so your hours of forced watching pays off. She may win Olympic gold, or, more likely win a huge sexual abuse lawsuit in a sport that seems like a magnet for pedophiles.

samomaha 17

There is a word for what you are doing. It is called "enabling". And it will only make matters worse. Ohhh, SOOOOO much worse.

That neediness surely doesn't have a thing to do with your inability to outlast your child in a contest of wills.

Nhayaa 21

Kids want all the attention all the time. "Mom/Dad! Look!" are their favorite 2 words. And if you don't look at them, they go crazy or sulk. Crazy egocentric little things.

I'm sorry what. You don't deserve to have children... in their formative years, it's important to be attentive at "look mommy look" as they're showing you their NEWLY LEARNED SKILLS AS A ******* CHILD SO YOU CAN BE PROUD OF THEM. **** me, there really should be a test for you morons before you're allowed to open your legs and procreate

How old is your kid? It's probably time to teach her that the world doesn't revolve around her. Sounds like that should have been taught to her a few years ago, actually.

YDI for always giving in to her demands. You're the parent here. Say no and set healthy boundaries, no matter how much she may shriek and cry.