Pink Lightsaber

By Obi-Wan - 08/09/2019 04:00 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I walked in on my 17 year-old son masturbating. He froze, raised his hand and tried to use the "force" to remove the memory. I'm regretting ever having let him watch Star Wars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 857
You deserved it 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t you knock before entering his bedroom? (I’m assuming that is where he was)

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

so your 17 yr old needs your permission to watch a movie?


"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"

It's now time to let him watch how you lock a bedroom doorknob (or how to install a locking bedroom doorknob)....

julfunky 29

I’m guessing someone else needs to learn to knock before opening a closed door too.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

so your 17 yr old needs your permission to watch a movie?

At least he didn't challenge you to a light-saber duel.

OMG that’s Embarrassing. I got caught once too when I was 16. I’m 48 now;

Don’t you knock before entering his bedroom? (I’m assuming that is where he was)

You have a teenage boy, and you haven't learned to knock before entering a room that he is in, with the door closed? YDI for not respecting his privacy.

I guess I would have said "Oh, I'm sorry", and left the room. There is nothing wrong with him exploring his body in his bedroom with the door closed. It's normal, and it's a healthy way for him to learn about himself sexually. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, and I certainly wouldn't make him feel embarrassed about it.