Is that even possible?

By Anonymous - 09/08/2018 19:30 - United States - Bellerose

Today, I realized my sleepwalking habit has reached new heights. How? I woke up in the bathroom. On a plane headed to California. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 227
You deserved it 442

Same thing different taste

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So you're the asshole who prevented me and the hot redhead in 36D from joining the Mile High Club. How is it fair that you snoozed, but I lost?

TSA was vigilant enough to confiscate two tubs of cheese spread from my carry-on bag because it was not solid enough, yet they didn’t notice a zombie boarding the plane? How’s this fair?!?!!


ChromoTec 24

Did you sleep-purchase a ticket too? Catching Z's and catching fees.

So you're the asshole who prevented me and the hot redhead in 36D from joining the Mile High Club. How is it fair that you snoozed, but I lost?

Walk out of the bathroom, walk up to the nearest flight attendant, and say, "Wow...what a PARTY. Where am I?"

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op was probably sleeping on the plane and sleepwalked to the plane bathroom

PenguinPal3017 19

You realize that people aren't zombies while sleep walking. You can do anything while sleep walking that you can while awake.

TxKitten79 10

I'd talk to a mental health provider. What other kinds of "sleepwalking" episodes have you had? if you've had serious trauma in your past, could be a dissociative disorder. Even if not, this is not okay and you need some sort of treatment.

agreed. this could be an example of a fugue state which is common in a dissociative disorder. there is help out there and as a mental health professional I can say, it can get better

TxKitten79 10

Exactly. Losing time is scary. It's nice when you can find out what's going on and work on things. I agree, with help, it DOES get better!

How on earth did you purchase a ticket in your sleep?

Maybe was waiting for a flight and fell asleep at airport? Still not sure how op would have boarded though, unless if the ticket takers were very lax.

Gamessence 19

He was probably ALREADY on the plane.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

if this is even real, there has got to be more to the story. not possible.

TSA was vigilant enough to confiscate two tubs of cheese spread from my carry-on bag because it was not solid enough, yet they didn’t notice a zombie boarding the plane? How’s this fair?!?!!