Keep some things to yourself

By Anonymous - 01/05/2021 17:01

Today, a colleague was talking about how she'd made some tomato sauce from scratch for her dad, but then he died before she could give it to him. I said she should have put it in the casket with him so the cremation would've been a real barbeque. My filter is broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 240
You deserved it 3 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theyellowgoose 3

highly inappropriate...but honestly that's funny. you should have kept it to yourself.

Way to go, jerk. Death in the family and humor is a delicate mix. If you can't do it properly, shut your mouth before someone rightfully shuts it for you.


Way to go, jerk. Death in the family and humor is a delicate mix. If you can't do it properly, shut your mouth before someone rightfully shuts it for you.

theyellowgoose 3

highly inappropriate...but honestly that's funny. you should have kept it to yourself.

bleachedraven 14

It is funny, but yes should have not said that outloud!

If you're not enjoying the taste of your foot, I know somewhere you can get some tomato sauce to put on it. Or... Digging your own grave there, bud.

tc201002 11

For some reason my brain read that as she made the tomato sauce from scratch from her dad instead of for him lol

bleachedraven 14
mccuish 25

He’s out of line, but that was honestly funny

if my death cant land some solid jokes like that then ive done something wrong

In some crowds that's just normal humor, but that was probably not said crowd... On the other hand if you tell most military people that kind of joke they laugh their butts off. (My brother's in the Army...he and I share jokes a lot...)