By mike - 07/02/2010 07:16 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of one week is suicidal and crazy about me. She showed me that she'd carved her old boyfriend's name in her arm, and she threatened suicide if I ever left her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 526
You deserved it 4 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hummingbug 2

wow. pretty much everyone who has posted any comments on here are jerks. you're talking about a REAL PERSON. i'll agree she's psychotic sounding but who the hell are any of you to say "dump her!" or "lets make her prove her depression!" obviously if she carved her last bf's name in her arm she has attachment issues and is overly emotional and needs help. you all need to quit being so insensitive. OP: you need to break it off with her but you should also definitely at least invest in setting up someone that she can attach herself to afterwards who is TRAINED to handle these situations. don't stay because you feel obligated, you deserve true love but don't be cruel either or you'll carry it with you for the rest of your life, guaranteed. i don't care what people say otherwise, you will never be rid of her memory if you do it cruelly.

Wrong sir, there are some people who end up following through with their threats after the break up.


Tell her youll stay if she puts out daily :D win-win

Seriously? This is what happened to my friend. His ex was nuts. She carved his initials in her arm and now she is a prostitute and dates and ***** guys ten years older than her. She's 16.

Omg me too! I got rid of her :o what was her name?

she's just using you as an excuse, her killing herself is from pre existing issues

supermann13_fml 11

I was in that same situation once ):

They don't announce it they just do it. If u saw her exes name call the cops and break up with her

Just leave. And take her to the police.

This is what makes me scared about how my other boyfriends concieve me. I recently went through intensive therapy, and I had a cutting addiction . I don't want my boy/girlfriends to think or percieve me as someone who is insane and creepy

I would get her some help if I were you. Suicide is a real thing, even if she was just bluffing. I would try to get her to see a therapist or a doctor. They could help.