By jobless - 07/02/2010 06:12 - United States

Today, I realized after sending out countless copies of my resume to companies, I failed to add my phone number on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 255
You deserved it 31 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

they shouldn't even hire you if you are too dumb to make a resume. fyl


killerviral 0

your fault for not reading them over smart one how r u going to get that job

astheworldfalls 0

I've done that before I just went back to the ones I really wanted to work for with a new one and explained that i was so excited about bringing over my resume that I forgot my number.

more like your fault for not writing your own.... someone already wrote this FML a couple months ago.....waay to be original YDI for sure. i may sound pathetic for remembering....but it was like seeing a familiar face...ya know?

more like your fault for not writing your own.... someone already wrote this FML a couple months ago.....waay to be original YDI for sure. i may sound pathetic for remembering....but it was like seeing a familiar face...ya know?

Maybe they put their email and they can just contact the person that way

azreal_13 0

yup that sounds like something I would do

gladiaintu 0

WOW why didnt u check them?Duh!!anyway how do u forget to put your phone number?!?!?

mikesvodka 1

Is there really any need for so many exclamation points and question marks?

I agree with three.....a phone number is the most important! (somewhat)

The addressees will find this truly delightful. That's why you should always have and use a checklist. Reading over your application more than once isn't a bad thing either.

they shouldn't even hire you if you are too dumb to make a resume. fyl

Use an example of a resume/cv to make sure you have everything on it. You'll find tons of examples on the internet.

No worries! When you do your follow up phone call notify the HR person who takes your phone call that you would like to update your information to include a phone number. If they ask why it was not listed tell them that you were in the middle of changing plans or just moved or something plausible...heck even tell the truth (they most likely will not ask)! This sort of thing happens and does not necessitate a deal breaker. What counts is that you follow up your resume, talk to a real person, and take action that shows responsibility. What's more is that in today's job market, employers prefer to send out emails anyway. Phone calls take time and an email takes less time.