Laissez-faire capitalism

By Anonymous - 17/04/2021 11:01 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my Facebook account is deactivated and I don't think they are going to give me my account balance of $855 on Marketplace. So, I'm out my items, shipping costs and the profit I would have made. Facebook Marketplace is a scam. I'm so depressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 940
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what the rest of the story is? Is this about a dissatisfied customer or customers with a valid claim and that’s why FB marketplace is taking such a drastic measure?

bleachedraven 14

$855 is a lot of money to miss out on. Something had to have happened for FB to take such drastic measures.


Jon Tessler 14

time to consult with a lawyer

I wonder what the rest of the story is? Is this about a dissatisfied customer or customers with a valid claim and that’s why FB marketplace is taking such a drastic measure?

bleachedraven 14

$855 is a lot of money to miss out on. Something had to have happened for FB to take such drastic measures.

I feel like you aren't giving us all the details.

Michael Sawyer 11

stop trying to sell stolen items(happens way more than you think) or jacking up the cost to unreasonable prices(i've seen people try and sell something that is $50 BRAND NEW for $125+) and this would probably not happen to you. Marketplace is only a scam if YOU are trying to scam. I've sold many things on FB Marketplace and have never had a problem.

I'm really curious what the whole story is. Seems like they would have to pay out your account even if you were banned...unless the funds are part of a criminal investigation.