By Why Me? - 31/01/2013 09:07 - United States - Scranton

Today, I found out that I have a highly irrational fear of little people. I made this self discovery when my mother introduced the family to her new fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 544
You deserved it 5 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Truly tolerant people are in short supply these days, it seems it is too tall an order to be able to see short people as equals in society these days. I think it is below the belt to mock dwarves for their vertical shortcomings, and looking down on them is why we can't all see eye to eye here, and why they have such a short-fuse. As a smaller person, I feel like I drew the short straw in my gene pool.

That must've been very embarrassing and rude at the same time.


andiw 6

Umm, how long has she been dating this man? Y are you just meeting him now?

They could live in different states. Or not have a very stable relationship. Any number of reasons.

A new study shows that little people have a 14% increase in incidents of evilness compared to regular sized people. So your fears are justified.

But little people are cute, especially leprechauns and hobbits! I'm pretty short and I'm not thaaat evil...

Whysocool 5

Now now. I don't think you Should just belittle someone on their height xD

I feel bad for you, you cant watch jackass

Steve95401 49

This really is a small problem. You'll get over it in a short amount of time.

Sounds like you're short on tolerance O.P. Give him a little time and I'm sure he'll grow on you. Sometimes all you need to do is give a tiny bit to get something positive in return. You'll be doing your mother no small favor by accepting this new man in her life. The rewards you'll reap will not be minuscule.

Totally irrelevent but I am afraid of pregnant women!

I have the same politically incorrect fear. I work in the courthouse, this fear has caused a few problems.

coolboy675 16

Perhaps he can tell you his short stories and you'll tell him your tall tales and then you'll both be seeing eye to eye.