Always check before sending

By Anonymous - 07/03/2023 06:00

Today, and for a while now, my phone has been autocorrecting "I love you" to "I lobsters." My girlfriend almost believes I have some sort of a seafood fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 649
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better fix it before she leaves for some shellfish guy who's all muscles.

My autocorrect seems to frequently turn “FOR” into “fir” which makes me sound like a hillbilly (actually I am, I guess, but I don’t talk that way.) Autocorrect can be great and it can be a problem! At least on Apple devices you can reset autocorrect’s memory to get it to unlearn it’s assumptions and that might help. But more importantly - Always read your message before hitting send.


Just don't let her know how attached you are to your crabs.

Better fix it before she leaves for some shellfish guy who's all muscles.

Not sure if you know this but you can turn autocorrect off lol

My autocorrect seems to frequently turn “FOR” into “fir” which makes me sound like a hillbilly (actually I am, I guess, but I don’t talk that way.) Autocorrect can be great and it can be a problem! At least on Apple devices you can reset autocorrect’s memory to get it to unlearn it’s assumptions and that might help. But more importantly - Always read your message before hitting send.