By Why Me? - 31/01/2013 09:07 - United States - Scranton

Today, I found out that I have a highly irrational fear of little people. I made this self discovery when my mother introduced the family to her new fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 544
You deserved it 5 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Truly tolerant people are in short supply these days, it seems it is too tall an order to be able to see short people as equals in society these days. I think it is below the belt to mock dwarves for their vertical shortcomings, and looking down on them is why we can't all see eye to eye here, and why they have such a short-fuse. As a smaller person, I feel like I drew the short straw in my gene pool.

That must've been very embarrassing and rude at the same time.


Omg I would puke. I'm terrified of them too, which is sad because I don't want to be that way. I just can't help it. I guess it's a phobia.

Phobias aren't a small thing, OP. Ask for help. (Are you sure it's not step-fathers you're afraid of?)

I'm sure your fear can be dwarfed by their love.

Stalin. Hitler. Napoleon. Weren't their heights all below average? I say your fear is justified.

You just met her fiancé for the first time?

acguy21 2

I have a fear of tall people. Short people are a lot better than tall people.

I am sorry but every time I read this I want to sing "The Lollipop Guild"

Megan98 18

I have the same fear, I've been scarred ever since I saw a "little person" clown at the fair...

Wow I'm short and this is offensive. I know it's not your fault that you have this 'condition' but maybe you should go to a damn doctor.