By Why Me? - 31/01/2013 09:07 - United States - Scranton

Today, I found out that I have a highly irrational fear of little people. I made this self discovery when my mother introduced the family to her new fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 548
You deserved it 5 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Truly tolerant people are in short supply these days, it seems it is too tall an order to be able to see short people as equals in society these days. I think it is below the belt to mock dwarves for their vertical shortcomings, and looking down on them is why we can't all see eye to eye here, and why they have such a short-fuse. As a smaller person, I feel like I drew the short straw in my gene pool.

That must've been very embarrassing and rude at the same time.


Midgets are not that bad... But having a fear for them... Good luck, OP...

Not all "little people" midgets ... Some are dwarfs ... So calling them midgets can be offensive ...

mpj13 8

Give it time OP. He will grow on you.

44, being politically correct is stupid! Don't be such a gay retarded midget and you won't be offended by such things. :P

I'm sorry. I'm not English and that was the only word for it that I knew. If I offended someone, my apologies.

7yzz 18

He is being a bit of a niggerfaggot, isnt he.

What? Someone on the internet apologized?! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!

@76 it means the matrix has been broken.

76 - It means #1 is lying because it says "little person" IN THE ORIGINAL POST! Midget is nowhere to be seen. I call bs.

92 Is a dumb ****. As a non-Native English speaker, the word we learned first tends to be the one we associate it with, even if it is not the word written. For example, I misread the word 'Autumn' for 'Atomic' in a book and then referred to the scene as 'Nuclear' (The original word for atomic I learned), even though you would not mention the word 'Nuclear' in a story about autumnal woods.

93 - if you made that mistake, clearly you are the "dumb ****"

93. something similar happened to me. A lab I did had atomic in its title, and when I copied it, I wrote automatic instead. That damn word, atomic...

Truly tolerant people are in short supply these days, it seems it is too tall an order to be able to see short people as equals in society these days. I think it is below the belt to mock dwarves for their vertical shortcomings, and looking down on them is why we can't all see eye to eye here, and why they have such a short-fuse. As a smaller person, I feel like I drew the short straw in my gene pool.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

We can't place all the blame on OP. Maybe OP's mother's fiancé doesn't quite measure up.

sugarshane007 20

Agh! Beat me to the punch. Well done Pleonasm.

TheDrifter 23

Pleonasm is a pun demon from the world mustachio. Well, I'm fairly sure, mostly.

You're not supposed to give away my location! Before I know it, a rover will be on its way to my planet to study it. Jokes on you guys, I live 12 light years away, you guys haven't even discovered hyperspeed travel yet, suckazzz.

Whysocool 5

Hello. I'm from a far away planet called earth. And you?

I'm kind of like that family from 3rd Rock From the Sun, learning more about Earth's strange ways.

There's always a shortage of puns before Pleonasm comes along. But he soon raises the bar and minimizes the damages caused by lack of humour.

I don't understand how this got almost two hundred thumbs up. It's hardly being a 'pun demon', every bit of wordplay in that was blindingly obvious, groanworthy, and not particularly funny. What is funny is then the people posting afterwards, pleonasms adoring fans, the ones who will no doubt down vote me to oblivion, praising his amazing wordplay and puns. So, I guess I got a laugh out of this, but not at the intended part.

Love tolerance, but it seems to come in such a twisted version these days.

SailorSolaris 43

At least they admitted to knowing it was a highly irrational fear. People can't control phobias.

That's so condescending it's worse than being afraid of them.

hellobobismyname 24

They're not puppies you know? Although I know you meant well it sounds like you're talking about an animal that you see in a pet store...

Some people are deathly afraid of cats. I'm talking about house cats here. Think about it.

klovemachine 24

I hope that your mom's fiancé has a good sense of humor

if they have a fear its nothing to have a sence of humor about, especially if its a phobia,

If I were him, I'd chase OP every time I saw her and try to bite her knees.

klovemachine 24

@21 What I meant is that I hope the fiance isn't sensitive about his height

He's probably more afraid of you than you are of him.

"Just don't make eye contact or make any sudden movements and he'll be fine"

Is it the little sausage fingers or from watching them fight on Jerry Springer? Maybe both?

perdix 29

Hire Randy Newman to play at the wedding.

perdix 29

I gotta wonder: Is this getting thumbed-down because people get the reference and don't like it, or are they are just being pissy because they don't get the reference?

I would bet it's people not getting reference, and being pissy about it. I personally thought it was a great reference, that song popped into my head as soon as I read the FML.

I must confess to not getting the reference. However, when I miss such a blatant reference, I do not thumb up or down. I leave it to those who do get it, to decide if it's a good comment or not. :P

59 -

Now that song will be running through my head all night!

Good luck OP, he could be your new step dad.

Well, the good news is, if he tries to abuse you, you can just sit on top of your fridge or something high up and he'll never get you!