By Anonymous - 29/12/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend starts fights with me over text because apparently, when I'm arguing with someone, I stop speaking in "annoying shorthand" and am grammatically correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 171
You deserved it 38 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend sounds like the kind of girl I'd like, were I not gay.

She's right. Shorthand like that is annoying. Itz rly annoyn 2 c dis wen u cn easili typ prprly n d same amt f tym.


cruxx 0

Now that I think of it, I do the same thing OP

Wow, cruxx. Bad grammar AND thread-jacking. You're just a straight-up douche!

sugarandspice33 0

No, it's actually really smart.

I don't know about crazy. I can't stand shorthand texting. It just seems lazy. And if this was her solution to OP's annoying short hand, so be it.

Op's bird sounds like a grammar nazi! *random person on fml writes ur instead of you're. Girlfriend comes along and yells NEIN, NEIN, NEIN, NEIN, NEIN*

Lazy? How. When texts have limits on how much you can put in, short hand is saving money.

mommapanda 0

Most cell phone services offer free, unlimited texting in most plans. There's still the issue of a limit on the characters, but this results in more "pages" of texts.

So it's smart to constantly argue and fight with your boyfriend rather than asking him to stop texting like that? Hmm, interesting.

perdix 29
SW500 13

But for smaller ones I'd prefer people not say stuff like "dude i h8 wen dat happns y r u doin it?" to me...

NessaRose4 7

Lmfao dude, you speak words of wisdom!

bulgeinmypants 0

She coulda confronted you unless she liked arguing lol

littlegold 7

I do the exact same thing i start having perfect grammer and correct others... When people argue with me they laugh at it... I feel sorry for you.

I also use perfect spelling and grammar when in an argument, but if they pointed it out I'd relax and thank them, saying they can not correct me from then on. It's just annoying when they don't have a come back so they decide to correct you.

littlegold 7

We should correct them! It isn't our fault they can't speak! It isn't annoying it is the proper thing to do! If they don't understand how to use the English language, that is a problem.

BarDownDaily 12

How many times does this thread say "bitch"?

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch Lots n lots. And more if you count your comment as a bitch about how many bitching bitches are bitching on this bitchin' thread.

Yo dat iz liek sooooo anoyin bro. Hw dis bxxxtch tll u dat u cnt tlk liek dis iz reeeeelllll mssd up. Dmp ha azzz rght nw.

DreBeezy 9

Wait, wait, wait! Who argues through text messaging? Rather tell it to you to your face.

183- completely uncalled for. Do I need to translate? "cmpltly unc@lleD f0r"

If that's what it takes for her to feel like she's dating someone that isn't stupid, so be it.

Who the hell doesn't have unlimited texting now a days?

Your girlfriend sounds like the kind of girl I'd like, were I not gay.

Sounds like the kind of girl I'd like of I were gay!

frankothetanko 0
AdamBasebal69 0

The pencils in your picture are straighter than you.

StopDropNRoll 11

The arrangement of the pencils is right on par though

Ha! I love how this comment tree went from being about the FML to talking about the picture of colored pencils XD There's actually more comments about the pencils than the FML :P

HetaliaFreak 10

^I hate how your comment bluntly expresses the obvious.

tweetbaby14 18

You bastard.... It was hard to turn that into a chain and then you had to just come along and.... I'm gonna go sit in my closet, cut myself, and cry.

Direct your girlfriend to There's tons of grammatically incorrect people on here for her to correct.

GoW_Chick 14

Looks like she's already here 0.o *ominous music in background*

monkeysareyummy 0

Gud thing i no my gramar and speling

Llamacod 11

Presuming I am reading the fml correctly, you have the wrong idea about the girlfriend. She doesn't like to correct him, she is sick of his shorthand and likes when he doesn't do that.

FYLDeep 25

I just checked Apparently it's operated by Finite Matters Ltd., so I really don't see why you would want her to go on there.

Won't she see this FML and scream at him? BAD idea!!

She couldn't prove it was him, though.

Only thing you need to spell correctly to her is the word 'sandwich'.

She's right. Shorthand like that is annoying. Itz rly annoyn 2 c dis wen u cn easili typ prprly n d same amt f tym.

Mate, wht yu on bout. Tlkin leik dis is smrt nd intlligent. Omg it's realy hrd to typ leik dis.

dixiefoxx 22

I agree! I cannot read it half the time.. Its like this: I'm so kewl, idk how 2 spell but idc, u knw?

juliajealousyy 1

Wut!? Dah bxxtch b strtin fitez!? O noez she no desurvv 2 b wiff dis maaayn!!! Fxxxck hur!!! So annoying I swear.

The_Troller 14

^It makes me want to hurt a small mammal whenever I see someone type like that.

^it makes me want to hurt a large mammal.

Llama_Face89 33

^hurt a mid-sized mammal? I think I killed it...

ddssuperstar 0

Makes me want to drag race in a Prius.

Not going to lie, it was easier to read some of these comments by turning my iPod upside-down.

StopDropNRoll 11

Isn't she complaining about him not speaking in annoying short hand? So she would be wrong?

Amen! seriously.. we even have auto correct now to freaking spell the damn word out for us. I mean, I even attempt to spell a word wrong and my phone ***** bricks because it can't find it in the English dictionary.

gazzdogs 5

Today, I realised that I am a part of the generation that introduced "annoying shorthand" to the world. FML

raney150 0

But it is kind of ridiculous to start fights so you don't have to see it. Perhaps she should just ask him to stop.

^ Makes me want to hit a small animal with my Prius.

^makes me want to hit a mid-sized animal with a Prius.

FMLsOhilarious 6

#163 You just made my morning with that comment lol. Horrible Bosses reference FTW (for the win)!

rpost dis if it maek u cri evry tme: 1 day a grl ws wlkin wif hr bf (dis is vry sad btw) nd she ask "will u luv me 4evr" nd he said "No" so th grl rn away cring nd gt hit by mn in grn truck. The by held hr crpse nd said "i mnt i wud luv u 5evr" (dat mean mr than 4ever.

I only cried because of how bad the grammar was.

friedpwnadge 25


lizard399 0

T9. Win win situation. You get to be lazy with your typing, she gets to read a whole word.

rallets 22

i dont even use T at all. its too mainstream

@36 - You do realize that when using T9 it uses the most common word for the combination you put in, and if it is the incorrect word you just hit "0" to cycle through the other words that match your key combination. Learn to use it properly before you go off on how it sucks.

SecretMe00 5

I personally love T9 because I don't always like texting the whole word out. Call me lazy but as long as I get my point across and the receiver understands what I'm trying to say then it's all good..

this reminds me of my best friend. Except that she doesn't start fights with people to correct their grammar...

Stupidest reason to start a fight! And fighting via text message?? She sounds really immature - FYL

...Did you even read the FML? There would literally be no point of fighting at all if it were in person. She just doesn't want to have to use a freaking decoder just to speak to OP. Besides, speaking in shorthand is annoying and stupid as hell.

...Did you even read the FML? There would literally be no point of fighting at all if it were in person. She just doesn't want to have to use a freaking decoder just to speak to OP. Besides, speaking in shorthand is annoying and stupid as hell.

Dump the bitch. Anyone who plays head games like that isn't worth the trouble.

Torva_fml 16
gazzdogs 5

Since when is speaking grammatically correct a mind game? Someone told me that I sound like an old man because I actually use proper words!

gmc_blossom 21

I'd rather sound like an old person than an incompetent fool.

gazzdogs 5

184: I totally agree! Besides, lol looks like a drowning person to me.

I've never noticed that. Now I'm going to think about people drowning every time someone says it. One of my few fears. Oh, well. I'll manage. :)

gazzdogs 5

I probably should not have mentioned the "lol" part... Sorry!