So annoying

By Anonymous - 11/12/2021 11:01

Today, my girlfriend and I were arguing. I told her that "same" and "similar" were two different words that meant two different things. She said, "I don't know about that, let me research it." This is the level of, "I always need to be right" that I deal with every day. I need to end things, for both of our sakes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 901
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. They're actually a good example of words that are similar, but not the same. See the difference?

Till your country elects a stupid person who was always told they're right.


No, they are not different, they are related and are distinguished only by degree. Same and Samoyed are completely different. Hang on to this girlfriend -- you might learn something.

No. They're actually a good example of words that are similar, but not the same. See the difference?

My issue was with the word "completely," same and similar are only slightly different.

If your issue is with the word "completely", then why did you use it? Because it's not in the OP. Same does not mean similar, so they mean different things. It doesn't mean it's completely different, but different none the less.

Doom_Kitty 12

So you basically can't deal with someone who won't follow you words blindly? I proud: doing researches is the only valid thing to do when you don't know something. She's right.

Answer stupid people with “you’re right”. Works wonders for stress free living.

Till your country elects a stupid person who was always told they're right.

ZZZsl33p 2

She should be dumping you for thinking you always have to be right and getting mad when someone try’s to idk. Teach you so you can be right