
By Anonymous - 07/01/2022 23:01

Today, my girlfriend and I agreed to weekly talks about anything that is bothering us, since we’ve been arguing a lot lately. So far, every talk has been her moaning at me about how I annoy her, yet when I try to have my say, she interrupts or yells at me for blaming her for our problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 139
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How come you both don't see what is obvious? There's no respect at least one way (and I wouldn't be surprised if went both ways.) This relationship is doomed and you should both walk away.

bobsanction 18

Get out, get far away, go now, go fast.


bobsanction 18

Get out, get far away, go now, go fast.

How come you both don't see what is obvious? There's no respect at least one way (and I wouldn't be surprised if went both ways.) This relationship is doomed and you should both walk away.

Seek counseling. And if she doesn’t want to or if it doesn’t work out, leaving her is always an option.

kitten79TX 5

You need couples counseling, or to break up.

It is a good idea, maybe tweak it to where you both write down a couple things, also both of you should come up with good things you liked about eachother during that week, so its not all bad things