By Renesmeekuhnell - 28/02/2010 16:00 - Denmark

Today, I had to walk through the blistering snow, because my boss needed something really important: cream cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 201
You deserved it 2 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalibrary 4

Gotta' love cheese in a creamy form!


musicalibrary 4

Gotta' love cheese in a creamy form!

OMG please tell me he got the cream cheese

Horney4her69 0

^ my thoughts exactly. thats like an oxymoron

Your boss's position in your company is to tell you what to do. He told you to get cream cheese. ydi for complaining about your job.

#16 Our eyes match colors... very cool :-) and OT: Creamcheese it great on date and nut bread... snow can cause blisters... did you not wear shoes OP?

xdyingxwishx 0
asianwolf 2

if it's so important ask for a bonus first. you get extra cash.

theian01 3

It's so cold I got blisters.

dude247 0

I know right #15 who says blistering snow usually it's blistering heat

"I've got blisters on my fingers!" had to do it. Freezing cold blistering heat Canadians know best about cold weather. :p my lake is 2 ft thick still.

hendyzero20 0

no his boss must be p. diddy.

so 16 and 26 when you gonna I've me a video of you two scissoring?

mn_mpls 0

omg I had to walk across the desert so now I have severe frostbite!

u don't describe snow as blistering retard

so? just say go get it yourself hes your boss not owner

nevergo 10

Was it uphill both ways in your bare feet for 10 miles? This sounds like something my grandpa used to always say. Except instead of getting cream cheese he was going to school.

nutycowboy 3

really??!!what's your job??!!

Toxxic_Blackout 0

Seriously, what kind of job do you have? Quick fix: Refuse/ get a better job, or get a car.

Monikabug 9

Well, Idk about the OP but when I was 16 and worked for Applebee's they used to send me on runs to the grocery store for Whipped Cream. Cans and cans and cans of the stuff. my guess is the OP is a personal assistant. Anyways, FYL OP that sucks!

Dear, that'd be because whipped cream is kind of in Applebee's food.

PsychoMerk 0

I'm guessing he had a bagel! :D

Haha! How can you not have cream cheese with your bagel?!

PsychoMerk 0
nomnommonster 0

he could have been making a cheesecake. we may never know...

cowgod 0

fml is acting homosexual again

ok if you don't like it then why are you working there?

ummm.... just maybe because they need the money??? Wake up, this is the real worls

screwballjtw 0

beffburger fails at comprehension

If you got paid for it then that's a good deal. ;)

It'd be even better if they got payed in cream cheese :D

jamiebuczko 0
FYLDeep 25

YDI for not making sure that the kitchen is always well stocked. I hope your making him a sammich too in order to make up for all the time he had to spend waiting for his cream cheese.

Yep. A few questions: 1. Does frostbite cause blisters? If so, I can overlook the blistering snow thing and move on to 2. Was it the same weather you managed to get yourself to work in? 3. Is that part of your job? It sounds awful but if it is what you get paid to do, you have to suck it up. FYL for having a crap job.

Freezing is not unlike burns: First degree = red skin Second degree = blisters Third degree = dead tissue A lesson I learned the hard way: don't go out all day without something to cover your ears when it's -20C outside or suffer blisters on your ears...