By Anonymous - 12/04/2014 05:24 - United States

Today, I found out I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend, his response was, "I'll start watching pregnant porn to build up an attraction to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 908
You deserved it 8 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

before people go on a rant saying he's an asshole, atleast he's willing to stay with you and the baby. I think he meant it as a joke and you took it the wrong way. Either way, congrats OP

Oh gosh...well at least he's caring enough to try that? Idk I'm just trying to find a silver lining...sorry OP!


Cadillac4427 8

I found several things wrong with his statement.

Pregnant ****? Who thinks this stuff up... I didn't know there was such a thing...

At least he didn't dump you on the spot!

I guess that's kind of sweet in a really creepy way!

At least he's trying to stay attracted to you no matter what.

He may not be attracted to it but at least he's trying to make it work! Some guys would just deny it and leave. I give him props to sticking around even for the most terrible of reasons, at least he's still there. That's more than what most unwed expecting mothers get!

Wow, I am really shocked how people do not even undestand what he was getting at. He is male. Probably loves sex with her. So to make sure she feels more attractive is letting her know that he will do what he can to make sure to stay attracted to her. How is that such a bad thing. Some people to realize, he may of told her the truth, so she don't like the truth. He wants to be with her. Sounds like she doesn't want to e with someone that is willing to do anything to please her.

It's creepy the way he said it but my boyfriend comes out with things like that all the time so as creepy as it sounded I think its still kind of sweet!!

My hubby would offer to push me down a flight of stairs. I thought this was beautiful.