By Anonymous - 12/04/2014 05:24 - United States

Today, I found out I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend, his response was, "I'll start watching pregnant porn to build up an attraction to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 909
You deserved it 8 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

before people go on a rant saying he's an asshole, atleast he's willing to stay with you and the baby. I think he meant it as a joke and you took it the wrong way. Either way, congrats OP

Oh gosh...well at least he's caring enough to try that? Idk I'm just trying to find a silver lining...sorry OP!


It was probably a joke, at least he's staying with you. Congrats OP

octinate 17

#69 I should hope he's staying with her, why is that something extraordinary? He did help create the baby after all...

You'd be surprised at the number of guys who leave once they find out their girlfriends are pregnant. Since they're not legally bound to the woman (i.e., marriage, civil union), they can usually get away, scot-free, as far as paying child support and providing other necessities. It's especially bad in the south; plenty of teenage girls in my neighborhood have become pregnant/had children in the past year (even had a few neighborhood friends get pregnant when we were still in high school), and the fathers were nowhere to be found, leaving the mothers and new grandparents to look after the kids. The hell of the it is, the fathers usually want visitation rights, but they protest having to pay or provide living expenses for the child (mainly because they don't want to give the ex-girlfriend/mother any money).

Could be worse he could have been a jerk and left you

Sounds like he has a sense of humour, most guys would simply run

bluefrootloops 13

Welcome FML, BFL here offering a free life time supply of a sense of humor. Spread it all around! Seriously OP your BF is a douchebag who doesn't deserve a kid.

He didn't know what to say and just blurted out the first thing that came to him. I sure it is excitement.

it's actually kinda sweet...In a twisted sort of way.

nikiboo0513 1

At least he's staying with you and not being a dick and leaving

If he's a sex addicted **** addict I'm not gonna give him the benefit of the doubt, and go with he's only thinking of himself in this situation. But if he truly loves you and cares about you, I think this may have just been him nervously reacting to a life changing event, especially if it wasn't planned and you guys are young. Best of luck either way.