By hgirl - 28/01/2009 21:58 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he watched True Life I'm Pregnant. Now I know why we haven't been having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 513
You deserved it 3 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chicabonita5683 0

Are you underage? You shouldn't be anyway...apparently you all don't understand birth control and condoms, so if that's the case...good for him, he realizes that he shouldn't be an idiot and do it without protection. That's not an FML...that's a thank God your boyfriend has some intelligence about it.

Caayouteepie 0

how is this an fml? be glad. most guys just get you knocked up and take off.


Foster_fml 0

Completely understandable in my opinion, I saw a birth video during health class in high school and didn't have sex for years! Tell your man that oral sex does not cause pregnancy and is loads of fun :)

Yeah, that's why you didn't have sex for years...

0 3

Hahaha he just figured it out.

un_known_fml 0

lol i'd be repulsed too, and I am a chick xD

That's not really a bad thing. He's just being cautious.

Caayouteepie 0

how is this an fml? be glad. most guys just get you knocked up and take off.