By Anonymous - 12/04/2014 05:24 - United States

Today, I found out I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend, his response was, "I'll start watching pregnant porn to build up an attraction to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 909
You deserved it 8 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

before people go on a rant saying he's an asshole, atleast he's willing to stay with you and the baby. I think he meant it as a joke and you took it the wrong way. Either way, congrats OP

Oh gosh...well at least he's caring enough to try that? Idk I'm just trying to find a silver lining...sorry OP!


-throws up- he dont deserve an ounce of you these next nine months period tell him to get used to blue balls ;)

tayymeds 23

I guess at least he's trying...

Without knowing if he was joking or not, it's hard to judge. I don't think most guys' brains are working quite correctly when they get news like that anyway. At least this shows he's not ditching you; that's better than some FMLs I've read. Still not the most supportive thing he could have said, to be sure.

At least the kid cares, and was willing to try something, meaning it truthfully or not. Before you rip into him or start to feel bad, just think - he's still with you. It's going to be okay.

tehdarkness 21

Haha at least he is on board!

Am I the only one that thinks what he said is kinda sweet?

Pregnant sex is terrific!!!!! Especially in the office.

conman531 23

That's better than him having a pregnancy fetish