Alexa, play "Isolation" by Joy Division

By Anonymous - 01/12/2021 01:58

Today, my husband has been isolating for 6 days in our bedroom, with me sleeping in the spare room, since his positive COVID test. I found instructions for how to fake the positive result on our shared iPad. He lied to get out of work, my birthday, and my parents' anniversary party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 021
You deserved it 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

diraven 15

So he found a way to have the fun parts of COVID without all that icky coughing and dying. Respect!

Lydmyers 9

so he would rather fake a life threatening illness that over a million people have died from, in order to get out of family responsibilities... what a respectful guy. make him sleep in the spare room and tell everyone what he did!


diraven 15

So he found a way to have the fun parts of COVID without all that icky coughing and dying. Respect!

It_gets_better 19

Maybe he can fake his death too so you can take bereavement leave and join the fun!

If not for some sloppiness with his browser history, he almost executed the perfect plan to get out of dull, boring, tedious and dreadful events while garnering sympathy to boot! Oh, yeah, happy belated birthday!

Advance 56

I guess the main bedroom has an adjacent bathroom and the spare room doesn't. So if she brings him food, he doesn't have to get out of the room.

Nikki 17

Oh I totally would’ve used the same instructions to fake my own test and mess with him while you both isolated in the bedroom! I would’ve been the most annoying person for the hour before I couldn’t hold it in and lost my shit at him!

Lydmyers 9

so he would rather fake a life threatening illness that over a million people have died from, in order to get out of family responsibilities... what a respectful guy. make him sleep in the spare room and tell everyone what he did!

Get hold of a couple of NBC suits and have some friends dress up and take him away for proper quarantine on the grounds that they've discovered he has omicron. You can have all kinds of fun with him if he decides it's smarter to play along than admit he lied.

Doom_Kitty 12

Why didn't he just say that he needed some alone time?