By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 20:19 - United States

Today, I found my concert tickets that I've been trying to find for the last 2 weeks in my mom's closet. When I asked why she had them, she said she felt the concert was inappropriate for me so she hid them. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 294
You deserved it 6 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

evanwilliams 4

Stop living with your mom if you're so grown up you big ass.


when you're 20 that's still a reasonable age to be at home, you're in college, so stop being so judgemental.

blahblah17 0

...maybe he was just at home for spring break.

frozen_heart 0

this is why i keep my concert tickets with me at all times, my parents would pull this shit and i'm the same age. FYL for sure.

altkat 3

Oh man, missing out on a show for such a bullshit reason.. fyl. What show was it?

TryToBeKind 0

if you're 20 and still unaware of what is inappropriate, you deserve to be treated like a child. Try acting like a grown-up and she just MIGHT treat you like one.

tiffyandthewall 0

oh wow, nice job being douchebags, everyone. have you ever thought that maybe maturity has nothing to do with the ****** up economy, and the difficulty of getting a job? or maybe this guy/chick is in college, and knows how to deal with money wisely, so rather than blowing all of their money on room & board, they decided to live with their mother for awhile if she was allowing them to? and to #108, you don't even know what the goddamn concert was for. people find different things inappropriate. there is probably not one person on the planet who agrees with every single thing their parent says, especially at 20. them not finding the show inappropriate doesn't mean that they're immature, it means that different people have different perspectives.

liveitlearnit 0

I love all these 'move out' comments. Try living on Long Island and moving out at 20. Unless you like to live in a bad neighborhood in a jail-cell sized studio. It's virtually impossible to be a student and live on your own. (With the exception of dorms, if your parents will shell out.)

Yes he should think of moving out if his parents are that controlling, but it doesn't mean he's a freeloader. I'm guessing he bought the tickets himself, otherwise his mom wouldn't even have them. Secondly, if he's in college, then he might either be visiting during a break, or he commutes to school in an effort to save money. This is a fairly common thing for people of this age. Now if he had been older, say 25+, then he might be freeloading.

hootersgirl09 0

Hint: Move out . And also, request a refund from your mother to compensate for the loss. xoxo, Kate :]

somedouche 0

Well, it depends. Time to move out if you're not attending school. if you are, i understand.