Sexy is in the eye of the beholder

By fatty punani - 05/06/2020 08:00

Today, my husband thinks I stopped wearing underwear to be sexy. Truth is, I’ve gained so much weight during quarantine that even my granny panties no longer fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 363
You deserved it 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well look at it this way, either your hubby hasn't noticed or he likes the thickness either way he still thinks you're sexy

No, it's not. Even vigorous sex is not very good exercise, and people in good relationships tend to put on weight. If I had lots of sex but was fatter than I think I should be, I'd be ok with that.


JessicaandGhazi 13

I have also recently had a large struggle getting in my underwear due to weight gain. My boyfriend also recently made a comment stating that me buying medium shirts when I'm usually an XS or SM, that he doesnt know why I bought them because in a few weeks they wouldnt fit. And actually that made it to FML too haha.

Well look at it this way, either your hubby hasn't noticed or he likes the thickness either way he still thinks you're sexy

He sounds like a chubby-chaser who likes a nice FUPA. You're lucky to have found a Harvey Whalebanger.

Good for you; sex is a great way to lose weight.

No, it's not. Even vigorous sex is not very good exercise, and people in good relationships tend to put on weight. If I had lots of sex but was fatter than I think I should be, I'd be ok with that.

TinScarecrow 15

They didn't say "efficient". They said "good"

It's happened to a lot of people. You can be unkind to yourself and feel horrible, or you can do something about it. This is not meant to be unkind. Look into the Weight Watchers digital membership, it's working for me snd a lot of people I know, and the FB support group I'm in is so supportive snd everyone there supports each other. Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to ask questions. You CAN do this if you really want to!!!

Susan Yee 9

Steal his underwears. If those don’t fit too, ...well, good luck.

Wife: I hope this quarantine ends soon. I'm worried I'm getting fat. Husband: Don't worry. You were already fat. Cause of death: Covid 19

Yay. Sounds great. There’s no ‘way to go’ button so commenting.

Men don’t care why you aren’t wearing panties, we just appreciate it!