By pleasedontyellatme - 20/10/2016 15:19

Today, my parents finally took me driving after months of me having my permit. I got yelled at for asking questions. I only needed to know which way they wanted me to turn on the next street after they told me to turn, but not which way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 096
You deserved it 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've had your permit for months and you're STILL not able to read minds? That's concerning, OP.

So I go left,right? Right. Wait go right? No left! Awww shucks we missed it. That happened my first time out.


I know how you feel. I have my permit right now. Though I don't get yelled at for asking questions...

I know how starving people feel. I have to eat for sustenance. Though I am not starving…

MisterKnowItAll 15

Then you obviously don't know how they feel.

So I go left,right? Right. Wait go right? No left! Awww shucks we missed it. That happened my first time out.

RpiesSPIES 27

*on a 5-lane road 'Which lane should I stay on?' "You're fine here" *exit is coming up "The exit is right there!" 'Why didn't you tell me?!' "You should know which road the exit is on by now" 'But I never had to pay attention before' Pretty much how a few instances driving went with my mother and I.

How do they expect you to learn if you don't ask questions? Perhaps you could take lessons with a driving instructor or a friend instead... I know how you feel though. I hate being yelled at, especially while driving. You lose focus and you get extremely stressed in an already stressful environment. Good luck, OP.

It cost money for a driving instructor and you have to be driving with someone over the age of 18 who has their license

In my state you have to take driver's ed and drive with a professional instructor to get your permit, then do a certain amount of driving with a supervising driver.

Yeah I know driving lessons cost money, but if those are the kinds of lessons OP is getting from his/her parents then perhaps investing in a driving instructor would be a good thing to do. Where I'm from, there's a driver's ed program for people aged 16 to 25. It costs $120, but that gives you twenty subsidised vouchers for driving lessons, plus a bunch of learning material, a log book, and three 3-hour theory lessons. I couldn't imagine learning to drive any other way. I got 99/100 on my driving test to get my P's and I've learned seriously good habits. Maybe OP has a program like that. Or maybe OP has an uncle, aunt, cousin, friend, etc. that could take him/her driving. At any rate, he/she needs a new teacher.

In my state, you need to have a person who is at least 21 and has had their license in state for at least three years in the car with you if you have your permit.

You've had your permit for months and you're STILL not able to read minds? That's concerning, OP.

FalloutScrolls 25

Get with the times. Modern cars come equipped with Crystal Balls standard. Sheesh.

One must first master the lawnmower Grasshopper-

Ms_Monster 6

When I was learning to drive, my mom told me to pull over and started describing something that sounded very complicated, and I had no idea what she was talking about. So I gave her a quizzical look and asked what she was talking about, and she answered by looking at me like I was a complete idiot, and with a tone that matched, loudly asked "DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE A U-TURN?"

Sorry you had to go through that. My mother was like that, too, she'd scream at me for asking questions or make dramatic gestures or gasps if I did something without "asking" her first, like switch lanes or make a turn. It was too nerve-wracking and I couldn't learn that way. I didn't learn to drive until I was almost 23 because I had no one else to teach me until a friend made a conscious effort to teach me every week until I passed my road test. You'll get there!

I have the same problem! I just got my permit at the end of summer, and I know how you feel. my mom screams when my dad drives, so I'm scared to go with her. good luck my friend, and hopefully you'll get your liscence soon!